Thursday 13 May 2010

(un)Finished renders.

There are some errors and tweaks I would have loved to have corrected before the final renders but time simply ran. Getting the Mirror to reflect like a Mirror in the lounge was hard as it either seemed too bright or not bright enough but I got there in the end with a Fresnel shader. Somewhere between my rough renders and final ones, Jamie's glasses on the table decided to go from looking like glass to looking like a mirror or like they were made from metal yet the display cabinet doors which are the same shader, behave like glass. The image outside the window from the rough render is still there but somehow looks like it disappeared and that there's only a black background. I would have fixed this problem by lighting the plane with the background image.

I feel the study was less successful than the lounge mainly due to the lighting, it reminds me of someone who has just discovered the dodge and burn tool in Photoshop! The lights in the wall lamps also do not look like they come from the lamps ad rather just parts of the wall are glowing I would try and fix this by using a different light than a point light and maybe make the model have a fain glow colour. I also had some trouble with the occlusion of this room as every time I tried to ender it out, it went either completely black or a very dark grey and grainy.

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