Wednesday 29 April 2009

Nightmare before Christmas again

Figured out why it took ages to save this one... because I has the resoultion as 300 pixcels per cm instead of per inch... makes a drastic change in file size. Tried to make the background look like Limbo but I failed as it I try and paint detail it doenst happen but ends up more as a big blob. Stupid heavy handedness. Looks better though as it's even more purple.

Monday 27 April 2009

Coraline 2

Sean suggested to make the trees less fiddly to cut and to add something to the left hand side. It does look alot better now. I dont get how when I fist did it, everything I put on the left looked stupid but at least I got it right this time ^^ Maybe Coraline and the cat could be made to stand out in 3D. Now to make changes to Nightmare before Christmas... this is gonna take forever..... due to the 1G in file size of it....

Sunday 26 April 2009

Nightmare before Christmas

This took so long to do...blurring and saving took so long to do....I thought I had killed Photoshop a couple of times >.<


Pokemon image for wall done. Think there maybe too much colour but this is the only way it seems to look good >.<

Thursday 23 April 2009

Coraline silhoutte

I tried adding things to the left of the image but it didn't look right :/

Tuesday 31 March 2009

Chicken storyboard 3

Remade storyboard for show. Why does uploaing images on this blog always end up going wrong and strange.

Chicken Storyboard 2

Chicken Storyboard 1

Monday 30 March 2009

Bird Chicken

Neil suggested to give the bird shoulders so it looked more like it was was shrugging. It works better now I think. The background is green so it can be colour keyed out in aftereffects. Sadly, cause I used a thin brush, the outlines look horrible once the green is taken away :(

Chicken finished with all the sound effects. Not much change from the last one.

Wednesday 18 March 2009


Bird animation done. Has already been coloured and is in the compositing stages by Alex.

Chicken in a kinda finshed composted state. There just needs to be a few tweaks and it's done ^^ (thank god I hate composting I think if Alex wasn't there i wouldnt have even been started lol)

Friday 13 March 2009

Bird rough animation

Need to sort our the grow and shrink and not have all the frames copied and pasted and many stuff (like adding the thing that macks the bird) but the animation is basicly done ^^ kinda too long though... I hope no-one minds.... then again Harry's is long as well so >.< Maybe our group will be finished early and then I cans has an unoffical kinda extra week maybe of easter holiday in swanpool :3

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Bird tattoo

Making a background for Alex :o ment to be kinda rough looking so no pen and smudge tool for me >.<>

Kim's bird starting to fall alseep in rough. Yes! I know his eye changes volume....

Friday 6 March 2009

Background for Gary's After effects

Using layers in 3d space :o Got rid of the people though.

Chicken Animatic

Animatic with sound! After talking to Neil, we may need to get rid of the starting shot from outside zooming in. We are going in on Satuday to do stuff as well :o 

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Storyboard re-done...

Rough but shall be made all colourful for the show :o Just needed to do it quickly for Kim and Alex to do their stuff. Has been made into an animatic by Kim and Alex. I just need to make/find sound...

Made normal chicken simpler to animate. From left to right, old normal chicken, new normal chicken and crazy chicken. Alex gets to colour them and the crazy one looks so amazing XD

Monday 2 March 2009


Our group (Kim, Alex and myself) decided to start with my chicken animation first for some reason. The job roles for this sting are: Animator - Kim, Artist - Alex and I get to be compositor >.< not looking forward to composting... because I haven't had any experience but Iwould have to do it eventually anyway. Kinda happy that I'm not an artist or animating my own now because after doing all these story boards and character designs of chickens... I think I would start to go crazy....

Anywayz, I had a story board but checked it out with my group today and they made suggestions on how to make it better. So I've just been thumbnailing for myself to then work on rough storyboards that can be used for an animatic and will allow Kim and Alex to start working.

Thumnails done today. I'm probably the only person in the world that will understand them though...