Wednesday 31 March 2010

Concept Part 2

Blogger has the most weird way of organizing images. Anyway, here are some more references and idea. Sadly, I don't have the time to draw the references as much as I would like to. Hopefully I can get all this finished today ad move onto something else.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Concept part 1

Design idea's for some of the assets in the room. I still have plenty more of these to do yet.

Victorian books are supringly more decorated that I thought they would be!

Monday 29 March 2010

Top down view of rooms. I have started to do a blockout based on the topdown views so I can get an idea of how to arrange the room and balance it all out before I do a concept painting.

The blue thing is where I hope to put the camera and the red is and idea for light placements.

Tuesday 23 March 2010


Blogger only seems to let me upload 4 images at a time, so here's the start of some mood boards!

I really love the colours and patterns of Victorian/Georgian period. However, It may be difficult to create an atmosphere that tells a story and I think the mood of it will all come own to the lighting and various other effects. To get an idea of creating a mood for a scene, I have been suggested to watch the following: Barry Lyndon for the lighting with the candles, The shining as the hotel was completely modled for the film.

Monday 22 March 2010


Made a little time table in excel to help plan my time better. Yes the Saturday and Sunday days have nothing on them but I will be working on those days as no doubt I will fall behind schedule.
Now to make several mood boards and see which ones are the better ideas.

Friday 12 March 2010

Sadly not quite finished...

Not quited finished as time ran out.

I enjoyed the modeling but not so much the UVing and ligting. The lighting sadly isn't very good as it takes ages to render to see what the lighting looks like so much scene looks quite flat as the shadows wouldn't show through the fog. I also had othere rendering problems in which Maya told me there wasn't enough memeory in which it then told my computer to turn itself off. This will teach me a lesson in keeping polgon count low and try and use as low as possible texture resoultions as it all effects memeory and rendering. I enoyed learning the things needed for my scene like shader glows, fog and alpaha channels. I also found the combination of having both Maya and Photoshop open = very slow because of Photoshop's memory leaks. If I had used a lowwer amout of polygons and not so huge textures, I would have had more time to tweak my layout.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Grass Tests

I used the visor tool in Maya and played about with the settings. I like how the little yellow bits look like little petals or bugs.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Mushroom tests

Testing out glow effects on the mushroom. The first one is with the model hidden so it is just the glow and the second image is both the glow effect and the model. The first one looks closer to my concept idea however, if I wanted the object to appear brighter, the second one would be the best option to go with.

Now if I could only find all my tree test that I have done.

Forest so far...

Progress so far. I need to texture the terrane, add a back image or extanded the scene more and fix the lighting and maybe change where objects are in the scene.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Block out

I just realised I forgot to post my blockout so here it is.